Shot for Crossley & Webb. I'm not mad about modern day super cars - they seem so unattainable to me and therefore I feel disconnected from them. I can appreciate the engineering and performance figures but they don't evoke in me the same feelings that classic cars and earlier exotics do. That was before I was fortunate enough to sit in the passenger seat of this Aventador. The driver listened to me whine on about how it didn't do anything for me - and then pushed the starter button. I stopped talking mid sentence as the exhaust emitted the voices of twelve angels singing in perfect harmony. Every single hair on my body rose on a goosebump. As we pulled away I was left completely awestruck, speechless. Cruising sedately through the city the sound of the V12 literally brought tears to my eyes, it was an absolute aural orgasm. It completely changed my perception of the vehicle and shooting it afterwards had me in a trancelike state.